Our call for the Sex and Society Reading Retreat is open!


We hope you like reading, discussing, and thinking aloud about the Politics of Sexuality, because we're inviting you to run away with us (and other lovely participants) to a quiet place away from the city so that we revisit and rethink these tricky politics together! Interested?

Part of a series of reading retreats since 2014, the Sex and Society Retreat is a chance for open discussions and reflections not only on how theories around sexuality may guide our political practices, but also on how our political work must feed back and shape our theoretical frameworks. The Sex and Society Retreat is a space for everyone interested in unpacking, analyzing, and reconstructing the theories and practices of sexual politics in Lebanon.

Our objective is to understand sexual politics through the below themes:

1- Social Construction of Sexuality 4- Compulsory Heterosexuality
2- Sex, Race & Class 5- The Invention of Heterosexuality
3- Sex, War & Nation 6- The Invention of Homosexuality

Each participant will receive a booklet containing book excerpts, academic articles, opinion pieces and personal stories before the retreat. Participants should read the entire booklet, delve into one of themes more indepthly, and lead the discussion on a specific reading of your choosing from the booklet you receive. 

Over the years, we have tried our best to include readings in both Arabic and English - and while the Arabic material is increasing, the majority of readings are only available in English. Participants are welcome to choose either language in a way that is convenient to them, and the discussion will take place in Arabic, English, Arabic/ English mix.


+ Retreat date: Evening of Monday 13 December - Wednesday evening 15th December 2021

+ Location: We will be hosted in a hotel 30 min away from Beirut (details to be announced once you're selected).

+ Costs: Free of charge - your transportation to and from the hotel, accommodation, and meals will be covered by The A Project - donations are always welcome for more retreats to happen!

+ Covid19 precautions: Each participant will have their own room to minimize the sharing of spaces, masks and antiseptics will be distributed regularly, and distancing will be maintained at all time.

Application: Please fill out the following form.

Deadline to apply: End of Monday November 22, 2021

- You will hear back from us within 24 hours of that deadline.
- The sooner you apply, and are chosen, the earlier you can receive the required reading materials.