خلوة القراءة عن العدالة الانجابية! (دعوة عامة)
Reproductive justice (RJ), reproductive rights, and reproductive health are often used interchangeably. While these concepts do not intentionally contradict one another, they do however hold different commitments, approaches, and actions. Throughout this reading retreat we will attempt to tackle two questions: What is Reproductive Justice? And can a Reproductive Justice analysis be a befitting framework in approaching many of our varied struggles in Lebanon?
As we get into the origin and history of this framework, we will show how it connects reproductive health and rights to over a dozen core economic and sociopolitical struggles and issues in the world and in Lebanon; from environmental justice, to citizenship, borders, immigration, refuge, violence, access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, sexual orientations, gender identities, and disability. We should find that the possibilities of reproductive justice are as abundant as the reproductive oppressions faced by different communities, groups, and people. Reproductive Justice may prove to be the missing framework that is desperately needed in order to forge cross-movement solidarities and oppose state tactics of divisiveness.
Even though this is the third time we hold this reading retreat, we still consider it a pilot to many more Reproductive Justice Reading Retreats coming ahead! We hope you take a leap of faith with us, and give us your genuine feedback throughout and after the retreat.
Our objective is to understand RJ through the below retreat curriculum themes:
1- Home sweet home: RJ in private
2- This land is my land: geopolitical mapping of RJ
3- The body
4- The clinic: medicalizing reproduction and our bodies
5- The spaces we create within RJ movements
Before the retreat in at least weeks, each chosen participant will receive a reading booklet that includes excerpts from books, academic or journalistic articles, personal anecdotes among others forms of writings. Participants are expected to read the booklet ahead of the retreat, and to delve into 2 pieces that they will present to the group at the retreat. The readings are both in Arabic and English, and while we have translated many texts into Arabic, there is still an amount only available in English. Participants are encouraged to choose the readings in the languages they are most comfortable with. Conversations at the retreat will be held in Arabic, and any conversation held in English will be directly translated.
Who can apply? Unlike other reading retreats, this one is built to discuss bridging movements and utilizing reproductive justice as a framework to stop us from operating in silos. We are looking for participants who are interested in political organizing and who are / have taken part in social movements (which includes student union and collectives).
Retreat date: Evening of Friday 23 September - evening of Sunday 25 September, 2022
Location: We will be hosted in a hotel 30 min away from Beirut (details to be announced once you're selected).
Costs: Free of charge - your transportation to and from the hotel, accommodation, and meals will be covered by The A Project. Donations are always welcome for more retreats to happen!
Covid19 precautions: Each participant will be asked to have a PCR done 24 hours before attending (cost covered by the A project). Masks will be worn at all times and antiseptics distributed regularly.
Deadline to apply: End of Friday August 26, 2022
If selected, you should hear back from us by end of August 31st.