What is the difference between medical abortion and surgical abortion?

Abortions can be done in multiple ways depending on the pregnant person’s circumstances and preferences. While both methods are very efficient at ending a pregnancy, there are pros and cons to each that can help you make a decision that works for you:

  1. Medical abortion: it is done by taking pills that can help you end a pregnancy, and depending on where you live and your circumstances, it can either be done in hospital/clinical environment or at home. The main pill to be taken is misoprostol (also known as cytotec) with an efficiency of 90-95%, but can be supported with mifepristone, raising the efficiency rate up to 99%. Many women prefer this method because it’s cheaper, can be done at home, and is not an invasive procedure.
  2. Surgical abortion: it is performed through different surgical procedures depending on what stage of pregnancy you’re in and how much money you have. Surgical abortions include curettage, aspiration abortion, and dilation and evacuation abortion (D&E). It is more expensive, but has an efficiency rate of 100%. However, it can lead to complications if not performed well. Many women prefer this method for the convenience of ending the pregnancy within half an hour, the possible added assurance of having medical staff around, and the discretion of doing it in a hospital/clinic if you live with others at home.